
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Penn State Blue by: Michael J. Maloni

Why Penn State Blue? Why now? Well at the beginning everything was happy in Happy Valley! Mike Maloni, the author, was very content to keep writing about a school and a football program that made their bones or did their due diligence in the classroom and on the field. Joe Paterno was a real-life hero to me, we were both of Italian Heritage and I assumed we both liked it! When the scandal hit, I was shattered, it me ten days to write again! With several glances at news shows, which were coming fast and furiously for a while and then I noticed one thing, people grow enemies on trees sometimes in college football, there were no potshots at Joe or his program, the slant was more like, "What went wrong?" My novel is not to right wrongs but to worry about healing, so I gave them a good old fashioned football novel. I wanted the kids to feel good about Penn State and let them start dreaming about what they were supposed to be dreaming about! School, girls, boys, and football. Penn State could probably broaden your horizons beyond that but for the sake of time there was Penn State Blue! I am proud of this but know when I write the perfect one, it very well could be my last. I am still a young man at 44. Thank you, Penn State! Your friend in college athletics, Mike Maloni

Here are the sites where you can find Penn State Blue. Amazon, and E Bay

Defenseman: A Hockey Player's Story! By Michael Maloni

Did you ever have a dream life interrupted by a horrible disease that didn't kill you but very well could fracture your family. Steve Tommasini is the excellent hockey play from Boston University whose brother Tony begins a journey at the beginning of the book that many people in Steve's position would have left him to do it alone! Steve, and his older brother grow closer and farther apart on some issues as they go through the final season at BU and later in Dallas where he begins his pro career! This was my first published novel, it was my fifteenth attempt, why did it take so long! I was fighting a disease that was just a bit tricky. I have a form of mental illness called schizoaffective disease and an endocrine condition that contributes to them. It made a difference that I was taking the medicine regularly and at the correct dosage! It started a little and is a little choppy at the beginning, but it gets better. Defenseman was my favorite position at the sport I was best at! It all the elements of hockey, you could skate, shoot, pass, and hit! I didn't make the high school team because of my injured knee and the fact that my medications were a PED, but writing came along, and it changed my outlook on life, if I could just get my head fixed, maybe I could do some good in the world. Good luck to all young writers! It's not easy but boy is it fun! To all readers. Go to it! Michael Maloni

Here is where you can find Defenseman: A Hockey Player's Story Amazon E Bay 

Shortstop: Where Grace and Power Collide, by: Mike Maloni

There was always baseball in my life, even if there wasn't! I was a better hockey player, but it just wasn't right in January! One day! I said... And one day came! The result: Shortstop: Where Grace and Power Collide! My story, as I had wished I could become! The novel is about a guy who is an excellent athlete! Yet, he has no confidence in himself as a student! He gets lucky and was offered a scholarship to University of Texas at Austin to play baseball! Baseball is the longest season, and it is character building and also the realization that you could be a better person because of the game! The character Frank Lido, Jr. sees that and comprehends for the first time in his life that maybe his job of playing shortstop was more than intrinsic! Lido, as his teammates call him was driven beyond words not to fail! He gets drafted by the Red Sox and gets to play for home team. This was my second novel (author, Mike Maloni), and it brought me back to the days of Yaz, Nomar, and anybody else who laced them up for the Red Sox! I had an arm made for writing. What can I tell you? If you can watch a baseball game of your favorite team, you will love this book. If you can watch two baseball games of teams you don't usually watch, you will absolutely love this book! It is on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, Batter up. Mike Maloni