
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Mike Maloni Photography and Mike's Books

Mike Maloni's Photography can be seen on two, websites. 

These sites contain beautiful pictures from the United States. We believe that the price offered the customer is competitive for the quality with many other sites in the world. We offer scenic to commercial work. We offer two sites with You Pic being a Swedish company that offers beautiful pictures offered by Mike. That site is a little more exclusive in price than. because we want to serve the middle class. 

Our mentors include Getty Images and SilverHub Media. As a photographer who took classes in Art Photography at Northeastern University, and finished up at Boston University where I was a Journalism major, a Sociology minor and a photojournalism minor. I came out of school with an idea of photographing for a stock photography house and write sports novels that would be read by people who made it their point to shop at many sites throughout the world. With my four published books on nineteen sites throughout the world, some of them are Amazon,,, E Bay,,, Goodreads, The Library Thing, and Waterstones.

The novels are going to be a surprise to the young adult and family audience because they follow a tried and true, subject matter that has caught the world's attention. The four published novels have a sports background, and they rely heavily on good role models throughout the books.

The titles are.

Defenseman: A Hockey Player's Story (Mike, Michael Maloni) 
Shortstop: Where Grace and Power Collide (Mike Maloni)
Penn State Blue (Michael J. Maloni) 
Olympic Gold: The Drive for Five (Mike Maloni)

Currently, Mike has four more unpublished novels on the way, and he is currently writing two more novels mutually exclusive of each other but if I do say so myself, they aren't bad.

Every book must pass sale ability tests from each vendor in order to put them on their sites.

As a young man in high school, my disappointment was palpable when there were not any sports novels in the school library or the public library, so with "Necessity is the mother of invention," Thomas Jefferson, I began writing my own novels about sports. They had holes in them as big as Swiss cheese, but school is the place to learn and to decide on what you wanted to do for a career. By the time, I graduated, I had half of what I wanted to do for a living.

As a college freshman, I was pretty easy going about going to college. Everybody went to college, so I went away to college. Freshman year lands me at Keene State College, in Keene, NH.  Nice school, but I just couldn't get untracked because of undiagnosed mental illness. With a sort of, kind of plan, I went to Northeastern University. I took a couple of photography courses and thought 'Hey, this is good.' But my mental illness was really taking hold. 

After coming home, I worked for a company my father worked for and saw a psychiatrist, but I was misdiagnosed. He thought I had slight depression, but it turned out that I was to get a full diagnosis three and a half years later of schizoaffective disorder. Sandwiched in between, was my school, Boston University. At that school, my major was Print Journalism, minor Sociology, and a concentration in photojournalism.

With the belief that everything was like Tylenol. If you took a capsule that it would cure your headache in very little time. It is not quite that accurate with mental health medication, but it is getting better.

When the correct diagnosis came down in 1994, it wasn't until 2017 when we took a chance on experimental medication that I began to get to the point where my ability to communicate began to get appreciably better. Even after that, they had to add anti-anxiety medication to the mix. The bottom line to take a quote from one of my favorite Italians, the late coach, Jim Valvano, "Don't give up! Don't ever give up!" There is another guy I look up to. Dick Vitale, Dickie V. who is in the process of beating cancer again so he can resume his duties as basketball announcer at ESPN.

We in this country live beyond most people's expectations on most of the earth. I have benefitted from this. Hopefully, the dream and the blessing to be part of SilverHub Media and Getty Images along the blessing of being a published author will continue for me to help many people. I hope you people like my work. Thank you, and Godspeed. Mike Maloni